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Urine Test Calcium Test
Health Mate Calcium Test strip is is suitable for monitoring bone and calcium-related diseases in the urine.
Urinary calcium levels aid the clinician in understanding how the kidneys handle calcium in certain diseases of the parathyroid gland.
Urinary calcium levels are also essential in the medical evaluation of kidney stones.
Increased calcium levels in serum are reported in hyperparathyroidism, metastatic bone lesions and hypervitaminosis, while decreased levels are observed in hypoparathyroidism, nephrosis, rickets, steatorrhea, nephritis and calcium-losing syndromes.
Product Description
Test strip for detection of Calcium amount in Urine to diagnose hyper-calciuria and hypo-calciuria.
How to use
Ordering Information
Product Name REF TESTS / KIT Package Test Parameters
HEALTH MATE Calcium Test 3158 3 Pouch Calcium
HEALTH MATE Calcium Test 3151 25 Bottle Calcium