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Animal Health | Cow Test | Milk Ketone Test
Cow Test Milk Ketone Test
During the postpartum period, cows are nutritionally unsafe because milk production increases rapidly while energy intake is insufficient to maintain high production levels.
When this happens, the cow metabolizes body fat to meet the energy it needs, increasing ketogenesis.
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is one of the main ketone bodies, and by monitoring ketone levels, this unsafe nutritional status can be known in advance.
Product Description
Health Mate Cow BHB Milk test strip detects the amount of ketone bodies in milk.
High levels of BHB are an indicator of ketosis, a metabolic disorder caused by a negative energy balance in cows.

Test Parameters : β-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB Milk)
Ordering Information
Product Name REF TESTS / KIT Package Test Parameters
HEALTH MATE BHB Milk-25 3182 25 Bottle β-Hydroxybutyrate
HEALTH MATE BHB Milk-50 3183 50 Bottle β-Hydroxybutyrate